Security holographic sticker for product authentication and security
Do you know the
concept of holography was broadly implemented commercially in the 1970s? Since
then, with technological advancements, futuristic ideas given shape, and
innovative research, it has undergone change for the better. Its demand has increased
over time. Today, the security
holographic sticker finds application in almost all industry segments
including the government. While many companies from different industries are
yet to avail this feature, it will be an integral part of the industry in every
aspect in the future.
Authenticity of
products is a burning issue today. Easy availability of forged, adulterated,
and fake products has only led to the boom of the counterfeit market. While
reputed brands struggle to maintain their rapport, start-ups find it extremely
difficult to carve niches in their respective segments. Here lies the
importance of using the security
holographic sticker. It is for product authentication and security that its
use is growing popular by the day. Products labeled with this feature cannot be
duplicated, forged or adulterated. Compared to unlabelled products, the overall
production cost is expensive, but it is worth the investment. Additional sales,
brand recognition, and trust of customers are what the product manufacturers
enjoy and further read more about the same
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