
What Anti Counterfeiting Technologies we could Use?

Though it is not sure when counterfeit packaging was started, the pain they create to markets is very clear. Luckily, we have seen the growth of several anticounterfeiting technologies and solutions and many organizations have started to use them. Whenever you are with it, we are all set to help you to deal with the threat and access options to deal with fake products. Why you need to look for anti counterfeiting technologies? From the daily bread and butter of manufacturers and others engaged in providing authentic products to the market to the lives of users, counterfeiting affects us a lot. Due to this reason it is important to keep counterfeiters from ruining all our hard work in our brand and product. Technologies to prevent counterfeiting Counterfeit products and packaging can be able to put a lot of people at risk. So, we all are going to help you. When it comes to protect both your business and customers with anti-counterfeiting technologies, there are different o...

The Increasing use of Holographic Products in Medical Industry

Hologram products are simply made of 2D or 3D prismatic lights which add glittering presence to them. This image has a code which is not possible to track by anyone. The sensitive data is stored in a very complex and miniature pattern of interference. Only special machines could track them. Hologram products are available in different forms like holographic pouches , security hologram, 3D holograms, promotional holograms, hologram with variable, hot stamped hologram, scratch holograms, hologram shrink sleeves, hologram seals, and hologram labels. They are widely used because they are simple to apply in various surfaces like paper, wood, aluminum foil, and leather. Just like any other product, pharmaceutical ones can also be exposed to the risk of counterfeiting. Manufacturers need to spend millions to manufacture top quality pharmaceutical products to enhance their reach. But forgery causes a lot of damage and costs both the customer and manufacturer dearly. When such types of pr...

How Anti-Counterfeiting can Help Small and Large Brands?

Counterfeiting is among the most serious and fastest growing financial crimes these days, as per the reports of the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau of International Chamber of Commerce. Counterfeiting once became a huge network of organized crime, which accounted to over 5% to 7% of world trade, with over $600 billion per year. Until recently, the grey and black market economies didn’t cause a huge threat to the owners of the brand. The black market operates out of the government sanctioned channels illegally on the selling and buying of services and goods, and commodities are distributed legally in the grey market. But unauthorized channels by the original manufacturers are known for diversion. Customers who constantly shop in any of these markets can now browse the web for such products and it poses a deeper threat to the recognition of your brand and its integrity and it can impact the smaller and biggest brand in the world. With the significant rise of the web as well as g...

Holographic Pouches – Packaging Products Used Widely in Pharmaceuticals

Holographic products are usually made of 2D or 3D prismatic lights which add glossy image to these pouches. The image includes a code that is impossible to trace by anyone. The information is, then, stored in a very complex and microscopic pattern. Only specific machines can trace this information. Holograms are available in different forms, such as 3D holograms, holographic pouches , custom holograms, security holograms, hologram with variables, promotional holograms, pharma protect, scratch holograms, hot stamped hologram, hologram seals, hologram labels, and holographic shrink sleeves etc. They are widely used because they are easy to apply in various surfaces, such as paper, wood, leather, and aluminum foil. Just like other produces, pharmaceutical items are also exposed to the risk of counterfeiting. This way, manufacturers spend millions to produce top quality products to serve the needs of customers. In case a product is forged, it is costly both for the customer and manuf...

How to Look for the Best Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions?

Brand is the most important asset of the company as it provides quick recognition. It is a very unique feature which can affect the quality of company and product. Brands are different and these steps are taken by the companies to avoid imitation. Once the brand is imitated and sold in the market, it is called as counterfeiting. Factories are making quality products there are offered in different countries. But when the products of the company are vulnerable to counterfeiting acts, it’s like a double-edge sword for them. These types of products are sold at low retail price and it can cause huge loss to the companies. Counterfeiting causes huge loss to the pharma companies. Counterfeit products are produced and sold widely and deceive customers in this process. Outsourcing to the cheap areas of the world is the major preference of counterfeiters. They also imitate luxury items on a huge range. The losses of luxury items are huge and may increase until you find the right soluti...

Supply Chain Management – A Very Effective Technique

The technique of supply chain management is very effective to increase the responsiveness to the ever changing conditions of the business and to improve the competitiveness of the company. In the intense competition and global economy of the company to grow and survive, it is important for the organizations to improve the responsiveness of the market and to be more cost effective. The supply chain management solutions  can break down the set of value-making activities from the basic component or raw material supplier to supplying end product to the consumer. Supply chain is actually the process of the business which links retailers, makers, suppliers and customers in the form of chain to deliver and develop products as a virtual organization of pooled resources and skills. Supply chain management is the process which syncs the flow of products as well as associated details from the production of low level suppliers to the end users and it results in provision of demand chang...

How Track and Trace Solutions work in Labeling and Packaging?

Real time cost, product details, and speed play a vital role in the supply chain management in the world to decide the failure and success of strategies like time to volume and time to market. Labeling and packaging are known to be the important areas that can lead to direct impact on storage, design, transportation, warehousing, handling and transportation costs along with tracing and tracking of products across the supply chain from supplier to the buyer. In this article, we are going to discuss the strategies of product information management and lifecycle management which are vital from labeling and packaging to cut the risks related to handling costs, transportation costs, resource consumption in tracking and tracking of movement of parts. Major Challenges in Labeling and Packaging According to the nature of products, market regulations and industry, labeling and packaging needs may vary. Here are some of the major challenges of companies in different industries. D...