How Anti-Counterfeiting can Help Small and Large Brands?
Counterfeiting is among the most serious and fastest growing financial crimes these days, as per the reports of the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau of International Chamber of Commerce. Counterfeiting once became a huge network of organized crime, which accounted to over 5% to 7% of world trade, with over $600 billion per year. Until recently, the grey and black market economies didn’t cause a huge threat to the owners of the brand. The black market operates out of the government sanctioned channels illegally on the selling and buying of services and goods, and commodities are distributed legally in the grey market. But unauthorized channels by the original manufacturers are known for diversion. Customers who constantly shop in any of these markets can now browse the web for such products and it poses a deeper threat to the recognition of your brand and its integrity and it can impact the smaller and biggest brand in the world. With the significant rise of the web as well as g...